Young Monstera Plant Care. Consequently there wont be any energy left to grow holes in all its leaves. Deliciosas common names is Swiss cheese plant thanks to the deep notches and holes in its large leaves at maturityAnother is split-leaf philodendrona common misnomer although both monstera and philodendron plants require similar care.
Similar in appearance to traditional Cheese Plant Monstera Deliciosa Rhaphidophora Tetrasperma or also known as Monstera Minima climbing plant. When you are trimming the houseplant cut under the node swollen nodule where the leaves and aerial roots form in order to propagate a new plant. Until you find the trunk of a large tree which will begin to climb using strong aerial roots.
Fortunately I was wrong as taking care of a monstera deliciosa is not rocket science.
Adult adansonii is called friedrichsthalii because it has bigger fenestrations then the younger ones. These plants are extremely beginner-friendly and they will thrive with the following basic guidelines. Best Location For Your Monstera Borsigiana. Monstera adansonii This Monstera species have long tapering leaves with fully enclosed leaf holes.