Why Are My Monstera Leaves Curling In. Young monsteras have solid heart-shaped leaves and they almost look. If your soil has gone too dry completely dry the oldest leaves will turn yellow first.
Your Monstera plant has only known high humidity its entire life. If the leaves of your Monstera are curling your plant is most likely under-watered. Although more tolerant than some other popular houseplants Monsteras do best with humidity of 40 and will typically develop leaf curling and brown leaf tips and edges with humidity much below this.
The monstera deliciosa requires bright to medium indirect sunlight.
So far im finding Monsteras to be really difficult to keep happy which sucks because they are my favourites. Why is my Monstera getting yellow leaves. Pot your Monstera in loose peaty soil to ensure proper drainage and aeration of the roots. If you notice the lower leaves especially the oldest leaves are turning yellow go ahead and feel the soil.