Variegated Monstera To Buy. Now we have Variegated Monstera Thai Constellation in a Pack of Plants available for sale again Includes following Plants. Monstera Variegated Albo Cutting Well Rooted With Leaf And New Leaf Growth.
Well established String of Turtles. 2 Youve been absolutely spell-bound nay haunted by the stunning monstera deliciosa variegata also known as the variegated monstera. Great Savings Free Delivery Collection on many items.
As of the time of this article you can expect to pay 200-300 for a single leaf and upward of 400 for a fully rooted plant.
The marbled or a half-moon appearance is caused by a mutation in the plants chlorophyll formation. How is she so beautiful. Search for variegated monstera to see whats available. Rooted Variegated Monstera Borsigiana Albo Starter Plant.