Taking Care Of Monstera Adansonii. Taking care of Monstera adansonii is quite easy except when it comes to their water requirements. Plant the cuttings in growing medium and keep them warm and protected until new growth emerges.
They can often be washed away with a spray of water. Thankfully if you make checking the leaves part of your regular Monstera adansonii care routine you can spot pest problems early and deal with them easier. Before anything you will have to figure out your plants placement and while doing so lighting condition is the first thing you should be conscious about.
Monstera Adansonii Care Growing Guide 1.
Its leaves are more perforated and delicate than deliciosas and the plant is petite in comparisonAnd though all Monsteras are considered vines adansonii has a trailing quality that makes it a good pick for hanging baskets or training. A mix of universal soil cactus soil and perlite is the best. Taking care of Monstera adansonii is quite easy except when it comes to their water requirements. You can increase humidity by misting the plant frequently keeping it above a pebble water tray or even near a humidifier if you want to take it a step further.