My Monstera Leaves Have Brown Spots. If the very tips of your leaves are turning brown it could result from the entire soil drying out too much andor from inconsistent and improper watering. Bacterial and fungal infections on Monstera tend to take the form of brown to black spots with a yellow halo around them.
Ive gone through some of the previous posts for Monstera but couldnt quite find anything like this. Your plant can easily get infected with this disease if it has a wound. Black or Brown spots can be a sign of too much direct sunlight that burns a monsteras leaves.
Brown leaves can be an indication that a window leaf is suffering from a fungal infection called eyespot disease Spilocaea oleagina.
Ive gone through some of the previous posts for Monstera but couldnt quite find anything like this. Your plant can easily get infected with this disease if it has a wound. This disease is also caused by fungi. Its not getting enough light.