Monstera Thai Constellation Thailand. The beautiful Thai constellation monstera may be one of the most sought-after variegated plant varieties out there and is at the top of most monstera lovers wishlists. Due to the popularity of the Variegated Monstera it was no surprise when a tissue culture stable variegation plant became available on the market.
Due to the popularity of the Variegated Monstera it was no surprise when a tissue culture stable variegation plant became available on the market. The picture is an example of our product. Still a rather new hybrid on the market with exectional coloring.
Putting aside the assertion by Aroid experts that there are just two variegated Monstera.
This special variety of variegated Monstera Deliciosa descends from a single tissue culture laboratory in Thailand thus its fitting nameDue to its lineage transcending from a singular location supply has become a big issue for this ever increasing in popularity plant. Super clean perfect plants. Actually the Monstera Thai Constellation is the ultimate hipster plant according to the Australian New Daily BlogThe Monstera Thai Constellation is a beautifully engineered Variegated Monstera Deliciosa grown from tissue culture in Thailand. Variegated Monstera houseplants are becoming a favorite among plant lovers.