Monstera New Leaf Growth. Monsteras are very vine-like as they grow and tend to climb vertical surfaces around them. Cleaning - Take each leaf between two soft tissue cloths and wipe off the top to reveal a healthy shine also helps the plant soak in more light.
I tried changing their potting soil but it did not work. You can make Monstera grow faster by giving them more light. It has been introduced to many tropical areas and has become a mildly invasive species in Hawaii Seychelles Ascension Island and the Society IslandsIt is very widely grown in temperate zones as a houseplant.
How fast does Monstera Deliciosa grow In general you should expect at least one new leaf to grow every 4-6 weeks.
As Monstera deliciosa ages the new leaves will have more and more fenestrations holes and slits among the leaves. So the Monstera will grow up to two feet. Deliciosas common names is Swiss cheese plant thanks to the deep notches and holes in its large leaves at maturityAnother is split-leaf philodendrona common misnomer although both monstera and philodendron plants require similar care. If you have designs on growing an enormous Monstera a monster Monstera if you will lol lol lol then 40 wont get you there in a hurry.