Monstera Epipremnoides Vs Adansonii. Meanwhile these two plants are identical in some aspects as can be seen in their stem structure roots system and propagation. Epipremnoides some believe that its probably a large-leaved type of M.
I grow my Monstera Adansonii in an Aroid mix consisting of orchid bark perlite peat moss and charcoal. Monstera adansonii is different from epipremnoides in the size color texture and perforations of the leaves. Mature leaves can reach several feet in length.
In all fair conditions Monsteras can grow up to 1-2 feet per yearBut we need to keep in mind that the Monsterasswiss cheese plant natural growth pattern is to spread wide rather than grow tall vertically.
Monstera Epipremnoides vs Monstera Adansonii. Some of the links in this post may be affiliate links. I always thought that Monsteras were all alike in that leaves were highly variable morphing and changing as the plant matures and climbs. The name is Monstera deliciosa because of the delicious large fruit they produce.