Monstera Deliciosa Vs Philodendron Split Leaf. Unlike the fiddle leaf fig a split leaf philodendron Monstera deliciosa is known to be very easy to grow. Although they might look similar especially when they are young Monsteras and split-leaf Philodendrons are of a different genus and species despite being of the same scientific class order and family.
Another common name is swiss cheese philodendron which is doubly wrong as it is neither a Philodendron nor made of swiss cheese. Click to see full answer. Split-Leaf Philodendron Monstera deliciosa Split-leaf philodendron Swiss cheese plant or windowleaf Monstera deliciosa is a tropical plant native to rainforests of Central America from southern Mexico to Panama and commonly grown as a foliage houseplant.
In this manner is split leaf philodendron the same as Monstera.
In the world we live in millennials have rediscovered. Enjoy The Video Tutorial. In fact Monstera deliciosa are often labelled as Split leaf Philodendrons or Swiss cheese Philodendrons in many stores adding to the confusion. Though it does or can have split leaves.