Monstera Deliciosa Thailand. This form is from the old Alberts and Merkel Bros nursery. This hybrid is of Thai origine Flower colour.
Monstera Thai Constellation also known as Variegated Monstera belongs to the tropical plant empire. Consumption of the plant especially in large quantities can cause symptoms including. Known for its large split leaves and holes makes them a popular houseplant today especially the variegated Monstera Albo and Thai Constellation Monstera.
A less commonly found cultivator of variegated monstera is the Monstera deliciosa Aurea also referred to as the Monstera Borsigiana Aurea or simply Monstera Aurea.
The others are all fairly standard prices for the size. The one and only Monstera Deliciosa Thai Constellation. Monstera Variegated PLANT Deliciosa Thai Constellation XL size 40-55cm tall. This form is from the old Alberts and Merkel Bros nursery.