Monstera Deliciosa Leaf Cuttings. Stems with a node and no leaf are often called wet sticks on the interwebs. One of the most rewarding parts of growing Monstera deliciosa is watching the plant evolve from its juvenile leaves to the more mature adult leaves.
Plants including the Monstera genus are very prolific and will grow back even from a small trimming. Monstera deliciosa also known as the Swiss Cheese Plant due to its huge leaves full of holes is a popular houseplant during the 1970s that is back with the booming Indoor Jungle trendThe Monstera Plants are a creeper that is commonly grown in tropical gardens and a popular houseplant. Young plants have leaves that are completely solid and that have no slits or holes.
There are a couple ways you can propagate a Monstera deliciosa also called a Swiss Cheese Plant.
If your plant can grow one leaf per growth point per month then the more growth points the plant has the more leaves it can produce. The best monstera have huge notched leaves and these only come with age. Rooting Monstera cuttings in soil instead of water saves the step of moving the rooted cutting into soil later. L want to know why my leaf of Monstera hasnt any cutting shape how can l care my Monstera be like your one thanks.