Monstera Deliciosa Kaufen Berlin. It is a very easy to care for houseplant that feels comfortable in a bright spot protected from the direct midday sun. Feels in a bright location without direct midday sunMonstera deliciosa most comfortableWatering is only necessary when the top layer of soil has completely dried out.
This is one of the fastest-growing varieties of aroid which is desired for its unique fenestrated leaves. This can lead to burnt leaves. The cutting you will receive will vary from the plant as shown on the pictures as plants are a product of nature.
This is one of the fastest-growing varieties of aroid which is desired for its unique fenestrated leaves.
Grow Baby Variegated Monstera Cutting. An Variegated Monstera cutting without leaf. The Monstera Deliciosa grows extensively in the wild with a new world fame in design owed to none other than Berlin. Plant collectors and homeowners are going crazy over this plant.