Monstera Deliciosa Flower Fruit. In any case Monstera Deliciosa is a tropical creeping vine that is native to Mexico and Central America. It is a member of the Araceae family which includes the Arum lily.
In the rainforest these slits are used to help withstand the heavy winds and rainfall. This is a video about the fruit and flowers of the Swiss cheese plant and includes how to recognise when it is ripe. Strawberry banana mango guava passion fruit and pineapple are all flavors that are attributed to this fruit.
Unripe fruits are chock full of oxalic acid a substance that is used to bleach wood and clean rust off metal.
It has been in-troduced to many tropical areas including Hawaii and has become mildly invasive. Monstera Deliciosa is sometimes called Fruit Salad Plant in English because the fruit of the Monstera tastes a bit like just about every delicious fruit that exists. Leaves may reach up to 1 metre each uniquely shaped. This is a video about the fruit and flowers of the Swiss cheese plant and includes how to recognise when it is ripe.