Monstera Borsigiana Comprar. We recommend keeping your Monstera out of direct sunlight since the white parts of the leaves are more prone to burning. Su nombre Deliciosa viene porque cuando la planta llega a su edad de maduracion produce un fruto muy delicioso mas informacion por WhatsApp.
Tenemos la seleccion mas grande y las mejores ofertas en Monstera plantas de interior. This hybrid is of Thai origine Flower colour. Incluso pueden darnos hojas sin ningun tipo de corte o agujero.
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Essentially variegated plants have less surface area to photosynthesise with and produce the sugars they need for growth and repair hence they usually need more light compared to entirely green plants and typically grow much much slowerThis is the basis of why they are currently so sought after and pricy. Las plantas mas molonas. Es una planta de porte mas pequeno con hojas de menor tamano y menos agujeros. Planta Monstera de alrededor de 40 cm de alto.