Monstera Adansonii Under Grow Light. They cant however grow in NO light and they wont thrive in low light. Sometimes this plant is mistakenly listed under Monstera friedrichsthalii but adansonii is the correct species name.
Its best not to fertilize in late fall and winter so as to avoid encouraging rapid growth under very low light. Monstera adansonii left Monstera deliciosa center. But many plants including Monstera adansonii do not grow well in direct sunlight.
Therefore when you search for a place to keep find a window with indirect sunlight for proper Monstera Adansonii care.
Lets be honest there aint much information on grow lights and house plants and how to hack one to make the other reveal its true form. I have no issues with burning of the leaves. In all fair conditions Monsteras can grow up to 1-2 feet per yearBut we need to keep in mind that the Monsterasswiss cheese plant natural growth pattern is to spread wide rather than grow tall vertically. You need more than just water though.