Monstera Adansonii Sp. Peru also known as M. That happens because more than one sometimes the same botanist finds the plant in a different growth form or size and attempts to grant it a new name.
Peru also known as M. Repotting time can be tricky but monstera adansonii prefer to be snuggly than swimming in a giant pot. 5 Monstera Adansonii sp.
The plants offered have leaves about 5-6 long.
3Monstera SP ESQUELETO หรออกชอทอาจไดเหนกนคอ Monstera Epipremiodesพลฉลยกษ ตวนราคาจะเรมสง. Follow on Facebook Follow on Instagram. Formerly epipremnoides - beautifully fenestrated foliage large oval leaves. Karstenianum is a beautiful climbing plant with unique bullate leaves that will make a great addition to any Monstera lovers collection.