Droopy Monstera Leaves. Monstera Deliciosa Swiss Cheese plant can be tricky when it comes to leaf issues. I removed the wet soil check the roots and they seemed sturdy.
For instance I have a medium-sized fairly young Monstera Deliciosa in a ceramic pot that has only just begun to fenestrate and it needs to be watered about once a week. The natural habitat of the Monstera plant is the wet tropical forest in the southern part of Mexico and Central America. Probably the most common reason your Monstera leaves are turning yellow is from the soil being too dry.
Keep a consistent watering schedulewater when the top 2-3 of the soil are dry.
Other causes include overwatering low light fertilizer problems pests or transplant stress. Probably the most common reason your Monstera leaves are turning yellow is from the soil being too dry. Leaves wilting or drooping. Below are the possible causes of drooping monstera leaves.